Contrary to its name, there is no knife in Gamma Knife. No incisions are involved in this safe, painless and effective procedure used for more than 80,000 patients every year.
While the Gamma Knife treatment is a relatively quick outpatient procedure, because of preparation and treatment planning time, you should expect to spend most of the day at our facility. Here is a step-by-step outline of what you should expect when you have Gamma Knife treatment.
Gamma Knife®, most often used in the brain, uses very precise beams of radiation to treat an area of disease or growth without the need to make an incision. The intense dose of radiation to a small area destroys cells.
John Hopkins Medicine offers a great synopsis of what Gamma Knife® is, best uses, risks, etc. UCSF also does a good job outlining the treatment, preparation & recovery. Let’s have a conversation. Just give us a ring to learn about next steps.