Metastatic brain tumors, also called brain metastases or secondary brain tumors, refer to cancer that begins elsewhere in the body and spreads to the brain. It is estimated that 24–45 percent of all cancer patients in the United States have brain metastases. It is about 10 times more common than primary brain tumors, which start in the brain. The types of cancer that most commonly spread to the brain are lung, breast, melanoma (skin cancer), colon and kidney cancers.

What are metastatic brain tumors?

Metastatic brain tumors are cancerous tumors that spread from cancer in another organ or body part. Brain metastasis can present as a single tumor or multiple tumors. The cancer cells found in the brain tumor are the same type as that found in the primary cancer.

What are the symptoms of metastatic brain tumors?

The symptoms of metastatic brain tumors are often the same as primary brain tumors, which vary depending on where in the brain they are located. Metastatic brain tumors may also cause:

  • Cognition difficulties, affecting the ability to think
  • Headaches
  • Light sensitivity
  • Memory issues
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Stiff neck

Sometimes, the symptoms of the metastatic tumor present before the symptoms of the primary cancer.

Gamma Knife® treatment for brain metastasis

Gamma Knife treatment provides the least invasive and most effective therapy option for some metastatic brain tumors. Most often, Gamma Knife radiosurgery is one part of a comprehensive cancer treatment plan. Thanks to the highly precise nature of Gamma Knife therapy, it often can be performed without interrupting other cancer treatment or surgery.

Who is a good candidate for Gamma Knife to treat brain metastasis?

Depending on the size and type of metastases you have, Gamma Knife may be a valuable part of your treatment plan. It is a particularly good fit if the tumor or tumors are small (3 cm or less), limited in number and in areas that will impact motor abilities and speech. Gamma Knife is also good for treating tumors that are deep within the brain and not accessible through traditional surgery. It may be used for recurrences or a local boost if you previously had whole-brain radiation.

Can Gamma Knife cure brain metastases?

There is no cure for metastatic cancer, but the Gamma Knife treatment can help control the cancer and can sometimes prolong life for patients being treated for brain metastases. Because there are few side effects, compared with whole brain radiation, it may also improve the quality of life for patients being treated for metastatic cancer.

South Sound gamma knife

Schedule an appointment

If you have cancer that has metastasized, ask your doctor about Gamma Knife, or call 866.254.3353 to schedule an appointment and learn if Gamma Knife treatment may be right for you.

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Understanding Essential Tremor

Unlike other neurological disorders or conditions that may cause tremors like Parkinsons', essential tremor does not include any additional neurological issues. However, the disorder can impede daily activities and interfere with routine tasks. Simple things such as using a phone, writing notes, buttoning up clothing, and even preparing a meal can become time-consuming and frustrating. 

Essential Tremor Symptoms

Essential tremor symptoms present as small, but rapid uncontrollable movements. These movements can occur occasionally, constantly, or frequently and they can affect one or both sides of the body. Essential tremor is most often noticeable in someone if they are attempting an intentional activity that draws attention to their movements. While individuals who are 60 or older are typically the age group diagnosed with essential tremor, younger people can also be affected. Certain factors like smoking, caffeine consumption, too much stress, or a lack of sleep can make a tremor worse.

Medications for Essential Tremor

For many patients, the first line of treatment for essential tremor involves medication. Beta-blockers, such as propranolol, are commonly prescribed to reduce tremor severity. However, these medications are not suitable for everyone, particularly those with asthma, diabetes, or certain heart conditions. 

Gamma Knife® Treatment for Essential Tremor

Gamma Knife® treatment represents a cutting-edge approach to managing essential tremor. This technology uses a precise, high-dose radiation beam to target and destroy specific tissue. By interrupting the signals that the brain sends to the muscles, Gamma Knife® effectively reduces the uncontrollable movements associated with essential tremors. One of the significant advantages of this treatment is that it is non-invasive, requiring no surgical incisions or hospital stays. The procedure is completed in a single day, allowing patients to return home immediately after treatment.

Gamma Knife® treatment is particularly beneficial for patients who cannot take traditional medications or who have not responded to them. 

Effectiveness of Gamma Knife® Treatment

Patients undergoing Gamma Knife® treatment typically notice a reduction in tremor symptoms within three to six months following the procedure. This gradual improvement can lead to a significant enhancement in the quality of life, allowing individuals to perform daily activities with greater ease and confidence.

Essential tremor is a challenging condition that affects many aspects of daily life. Treatment options range from medications to innovative procedures like Gamma Knife® treatment, which offers significant relief for patients who cannot take traditional medications or who have not found success with other treatments. By targeting the root cause of tremors with precision and efficiency, Gamma Knife® can dramatically improve the quality of life for those living with essential tremor.

To learn more about whether Gamma Knife treatment is right for you, speak with your doctor or call South Sound Gamma Knife at 866.254.3353.

For individuals facing acoustic neuromas, radiation therapy offers hope. Gamma Knife is a minimally invasive stereotactic radiosurgery that provides surgical precision without extended hospital stays. Utilizing highly focused, high-dose radiation, Gamma Knife dismantles tumor cell DNA while sparing surrounding tissue. Patients can undergo this procedure while awake and often return home the same day, bypassing prolonged hospitalization.

Understanding the Symptoms of Acoustic Neuroma

The symptoms of an acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma) vary, typically manifesting between ages 30 and 60. Initially subtle, they may include speech and swallowing difficulties, dizziness, headaches, hearing loss, and tinnitus. As the tumor progresses, it may lead to facial numbness, weakness, or even paralysis on the affected side, and in severe cases, it can compress the brainstem, causing hydrocephalus.

Side Effects and Recovery from Gamma Knife Surgery

One of the key benefits of Gamma Knife treatment is its low incidence of side effects. Facial weakness and numbness, occurring in less than one percent of cases, are rare, and the preservation of useful hearing surpasses that of other treatments, with an average of 71 percent of patients retaining hearing functionality. Recovery typically spans three to four months, allowing patients to gradually resume daily activities with renewed hope and improved health.

Patient Eligibility and Risk Assessment

Determining patient suitability to treat acoustic neuroma with Gamma Knife involves collaboration between the primary care provider, ENT or neurologist, and the medical team overseeing the procedure. While many patients view Gamma Knife surgery as their preferred treatment option for halting tumor growth, it can also serve as a follow-up to conventional surgical interventions or address tumor regrowth post-surgery, which occurs in approximately eight to ten percent of cases. Despite the treatment efficacy, potential risks such as post-treatment swelling, temporary hearing loss, cranial nerve damage, and fatigue warrant consideration and thorough risk assessment.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Gamma Knife Treatment

When weighing treatment options for acoustic neuroma, efficacy is paramount. Gamma Knife treatment shines as the gold standard, boasting the highest effectiveness rate for preserving hearing among all available technologies. About 71 percent of patients retain useful hearing, and nearly half of all newly diagnosed acoustic neuroma cases are treated with Gamma Knife.

Beyond Gamma Knife Treatment and its Benefits

Beyond its efficacy in addressing the physical manifestations of acoustic neuroma, Gamma Knife treatment offers patients the prospect of a better quality of life. By preserving hearing and minimizing side effects, this innovative approach not only addresses the immediate medical concern but also alleviates the emotional and psychological burden often associated with debilitating conditions. Patients can regain a sense of control over their health and well-being, enabling them to focus on pursuing their passions and enjoying meaningful interactions with loved ones.

Embracing Hope and Innovation in Acoustic Neuroma Treatment

Gamma Knife treatment stands as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with acoustic neuroma. Its minimally invasive nature, exceptional efficacy, and focus on preserving quality of life make it a preferred choice for many patients and healthcare providers alike. Ongoing research and innovation promise to further enhance the effectiveness and accessibility of Gamma Knife treatment, offering renewed hope and improved outcomes for individuals facing the challenges of acoustic neuroma.

Located at St. Joseph Medical Center in Tacoma, WA, South Sound Gamma Knife is the sole Gamma Knife center situated between Seattle, WA, and Portland, OR. It provides patients across the region with access to a uniquely tailored facility, cutting-edge technology, and an unmatched team of neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists, radiation physicists, nurses, and other experts.

For patients who have been diagnosed with acoustic neuroma, you can explore your treatment options, including Gamma Knife, by speaking with your primary provider. Or, call 1-866-254-3353 to learn more about our resources and services.